Recipe for a Fabulous Saturday

This post is long overdue. But it's worth it, promise. Saturdays. I adore them. And following on from the previous post, I promised to tell you all about my last fabulous Saturday. Ingredients for a fabulous Saturday One fabulous friend. Mine on this particular day was Lisa. I recommend that everyone has a Lisa. Sunshine - we got plenty of it on this day. Happy :) One fabulous outfit. Refer to previous post - Outfit Post One vintage fair. On this particular day it was Birmingham Vintage Fair at the Custard Factory, Digbeth. Fabulous food. We checked out a place called Yumm . It's amazing! One gig. We went to see Friends . Pretty damn cool five piece from Brooklyn, New York Anyway, we headed off to the Birmingham Vintage Fair, which started at about 12 and it did not disappoint. For £1 entry, we were whisked into The Old Library, a beautiful building which was packed wall to wall with some beautiful vintage items....