
Showing posts with the label bedn

Love Mondays

Mondays get such a bad rap, don't they? Here's how I have my best Monday...

Something New About Yourself - what I'm listening to lately

It's the first day of Blog Everyday in November. I couldn't think of random facts about myself that anyone would find interesting are some songs that I recently heard and cannot get out of my head.

Yes Moments

Yes Moments are those tiny moments when life has complete clarity, meaning or certainty. Yes Moments can be life-changing or life-affirming. Yes Moments are about celebrating the little daily victories. Yes Moments are about recognising just how far you've come. Tell us what Yes Moments mean to you.

BEDN: Anti Bullying Week

This seems like such a miserable post to throw myself back into blogging with, but I'm sure by the end of reading this, you won't mind. First, I must say, I've been such a fail for Blog Every Day in November. Like, seriously. Broken laptop-ness has not helped the situation one tiny bit. So, I'm picking up and I'm going to try my hardest to keep it up. We do still have a couple of weeks left, after all. And following this month, I'm going to take a good look at my editorial plan and get this situation under control. Right, back to the topic in hand. Bullying is still what I consider somewhat of a crisis. It really can affect you at any age - it's not reserved for the playground. It can happen in the workplace, or even at home. If you're fortunate enough to have never been bullied, then congratulations. You are a rare species or you are the one who has actually done the bullying. In which case, slap yourself and then get the help you obviously...