Fun at Focus Day

I had a bit of a change from the norm today. A welcome break from my new full time status and an all round brilliant one, at that. I awoke to a text from my old English teacher the other day, asking if I would like to go back to school to assist with Focus Day. I thought about my answer for all of about five seconds, before promising to get in touch with her, as soon as I had asked for the morning off work. As mentioned in my previous post , I have a new job. So I felt a little bit cheeky asking for time off but they were fine about it, on the condition that I made the time up. I arrived to a reserved visitors parking space but I didn't take a photo to treasure the memory (boo). It's always nice to pop in (very) occasionally and say hi to the teachers that you actually liked and blank out the awful bits of school. Media and English were where I hung out, so I was happy to be hanging out there. I thought Focus Day was fun, as a teenager but it's even better when you...