Five Happy Things #3

It's time for part three of my Five Happy Things series. What's made you happy lately? 1) A lovely brunch date Can all Mondays kick off with a brunch date please? Last week, I met up with my wonderful friend Jacqui. No matter what stage you are at in your life, you should have people around you who inspire and encourage you. Jacqui is one of those people. She manages a career as a doctor, a family and a busy social life. When I grow up, I want to be like her. We chatted and caught up and shared what was going on in our lives. A fab couple of hours. The Plough in Harborne is one of my favourite brunch spots. The atmosphere is great. I cannot wait to see how the place looks, once their expansion work is finished. This Eggs Benedict was so good 2) Work I went full time freelance with Honey Bee Copywriting one year ago and I'm so thankful for the place I'm in right now. There are still some goals that I am working towards but I've had the privilege to w...