Start A Business. Mind Your Own | A Rant

We need to stop imposing what we want on other people. I had a conversation with a friend the other day who, in a round about way, suggested that I'm boring. Yes, I was in bed watching a documentary about Poundland - which is brilliant by the way - but their response of 'Lol, you need a holiday' really upset me. For a number of reasons. First of all , you need to mind your own business. You're not in a position to tell me what I need because you don't know enough about where I'm at. Jobs aren't the same as careers. I cannot just abandon ship and let the company replace me. I am the company, at this moment in time. Leave people be. There is nothing more insulting than 'you know what you need to do?' kind of people. You can't take directions from people who've never been where you're headed. Also, don't take advice from someone who has never built anything. One thing that I've learnt i...